Hamilton Preschool has been operating since 1995. It is situated within a classroom at Holymead Primary School (Junior Site) in Brislington, Bristol.
The setting has access via a ramp if required and the activity rooms are all on one level.
Hamilton Pre-School provides care for children from the Bristol area. The pre-school is registered on the Early Years Register, the compulsory part of the Childcare Register, and the voluntary part of the Childcare Register.
The group receives funding for the provision of free early education for children aged three and four years. Children attend a variety of sessions. The pre-school care for children with special educational needs and children who are learning English as an additional language.

The manager and staff strive for excellence. They work exceptionally well as a team and set high expectations of what children can achieve.
The manager and staff use highly successful methods to assess and monitor children's development. They plan meticulously, to support each child to make the best possible progress in their learning. Children make excellent progress from their starting points.
Children express positive attitudes toward learning and demonstrate a can-do attitude. They develop confidence and determination as they take on challenges in their play. For example, young children focus intently as they work out how to use different tools to cut and empty pumpkins.
The manager and staff provide an extremely exciting and welcoming learning environment. The exceptional use of key-person systems helps children to develop trusting relationships with their peers and the adults who care for them. For instance, key-person areas display children's personal achievements and celebrate each child's family and cultural background.
Staff uses highly effective methods to support children to be healthy. For instance, children take part in the weekly movement and dance sessions, during which they learn to express themselves and move their whole bodies. Staff work closely with the parents to encourage them to provide healthy and nutritious packed lunches.